BioTru® Classic Metal Twin
Our BioTru® Classic metal twin brackets offer a true straight wire system and exceptional quality at an affordable price.
- 4-Dimensional appliance bracket needs no offset bends in the archwire to obtain an optimal finish.
- Foil mesh bonding pad matches the curvature of the tooth for maximum contact and a strong, consistent bond.
- Torque in the base designed to provide level slot lineup, and helps avoid occlusal interference.
- Special option available for bicuspid brackets that feature a gingivally offset bonding base.
- This classic bracket system combines the concepts of traditional orthodontics with the latest engineering and production processes.
- Professionals have the ability to choose from a wide range of treatment options and protocols to best meet the needs of your clients and your practice.
- Ideal for all treatment patterns as brackets can be interchanged within prescriptions.
- All bracket prescriptions utilize the same In/Out for slot level alignment and inter-changeability.
Great Lakes Exclusive
This item is exclusive to Great Lakes within the United States or other territories.
$40.60This product is in stock and ships the same day (before 12:00PM EST, Mon-Fri). Special requests during checkout may delay shipping.
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